Creating Space for the Life You Deserve
Imagine this: you walk into your home after a long day at work and instantly feel calm. Everywhere you look, it’s cozy, comfortable, and organized. A sanctuary where you can relax and recharge. A place where you can be you.
For many of us, that scenario is just a dream. Our real lives tell a different story. At work, we’re pulled together, professional, and productive. At home, we’re crushed under the weight of clutter. Exhausted and overwhelmed, we resort to hiding our embarrassing masses of stuff in a spare room, closet, storage unit, or garage. But it’s always there. Unresolved. Literally weighing us down.
What could you accomplish if you weren’t carrying your clutter into the world?
You would be free to focus on the things that matter in your life. You would have space to create the life that you deserve, and room to thrive.
And that is exactly what I am going to help you do.
We’ll start in the space that is most important to you. If you could wave a magic wand and transform the space, what would it look like? How would it make you feel? Using this as our guide, we’ll assess each item, make decisions about it, organize the space, and create a personalized system to help you maintain it going forward.
Going through a lifetime of stuff can be daunting: I know, I’ve been there. Which is why one of my specialties is creating a no judgment, no shame zone. You are not your stuff. I will help you see what’s possible when the items in your life support you instead of control you. You’ll emerge feeling empowered to live the life that you deserve. You’ll be ready to start fresh, with your home the equivalent of a clean slate!
I’ve always loved organization and creating cozy spaces—I was the kid who indexed my middle school geometry book! I also grew up in the theatre and have been a professional actor for many years. Whether in scripted plays or in improv, I learned how to truly listen, and how to build the courage to take the first step and create a space for my unique story to unfold.
You deserve a space where you can cultivate joy and truly live your life. Let’s unleash the power of organizing and decluttering, and create some magic together!
-Adrian Egolf, Founder & CEO, The Clean Slate Living Company
What We Do: The Process
FIRST: I will meet with you, in person or over the phone, to discuss your needs, goals, and wants. During the consultation, I will design a custom Clean Slate organization plan based on your needs and wants, and create a system to help your life run more smoothly, efficiently, and alleviate stress!
SECOND: I will turn your organization dreams into a reality! Working side-by-side, I will offer tips, strategies, and maintenance plans to transform your space from a chaotic and cluttered mess, into a space you deserve. A space where you can relax, rejuvenate, and thrive.
THIRD: With your space newly organized and transformed, you will feel empowered, more confident, happier, and you will be able to take the integrity we cultivate in your space out into the world. Our mission is to better your life, ease your stress, and boost your confidence by creating space for the life you deserve.
What We DON’T Do
Clean Slate will never make you throw anything away! Seriously. Nothing (Well, except trash!). Getting organized is not about streamlining your life to the point of austerity. It’s about organizing the items you have and want to keep, and giving them a home and a purpose. You don’t have to find joy to keep items that are important to you. Your charging station may not bring you joy, and that’s just fine. If you need it, keep it!
Clean Slate will never force you to do homework! I will work alongside you to help you get organized. I will be your motivator, your workforce, AND your cheerleading squad. I leave you with a skill set of your own, tips and tricks customized to fit your life, so you can easily maintain your newfound space.
Clean Slate will never invade your privacy! Your personal items and paperwork are just that: personal. There are myriad ways to organize paperwork and sentimental items without having to go through them with you, although if you prefer, I will be by your side guiding you with organizational skill and expertise.
Clean Slate will never misuse your time! Time is precious and I take pride in the efficiency of my work. If you cannot be there during some, or all, of the organizing process, have no fear. I will sort, pile, and clean in such a way that all you will need to do is make final key decisions.
“With organization comes empowerment.”